

Branche Website en Apps
Locatie Bussum, Noord-Holland, NL
Tarief € 30 per uur
Profiel weergaven 483
Motion - Anderson Allbatroz - Portuguese version

Video: Motion - Anderson Allbatroz - Portuguese version

Freelance - September 2022 - Emporium Suplements

Promotional campaign - Brazilian customer(Bom Batom)

Afbeelding: Promotional campaign - Brazilian customer(Bom Batom)

Artwork created with Adobe Photoshop

Intro - Channel Leigos Podcast

Video: Intro - Channel Leigos Podcast

After an exchange of audios via whatsapp, the Podcast presenter expressed how he would like to open it...after we understood the essence of the company and the characteristics of the program, we made this beautiful Intro for this channel.

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