

Branche Website en Apps
Vakgebied IT: Software engineer
Locatie Schimmert, Limburg, NL
Tarief € 75 per uur
Profiel weergaven 2194


Software Architect & lead developer (Lab Developed

Roche Diagnistics

Project: LDT is a Windows application which enables the user to: • Visualize test/algorithm results of a run. • Visualize instrument measurements as growth curves • Visualize growth curves post processed by the algorithms. • Simulate test results by adjusting algorithm parameters and recalculation. This tool enables Assay Developers to visualize and analyze test results generated by Roche Cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. With the use of this tool users are able to modify algorithm parameters and simulate the sample result classification without the need of re-running the test on the instrument. By using this tool a reduction of reagents and time is achieved. Team size: 6. Used technologies: PRISM 5.0, WPF, C# 4.5, Microsoft Entity Framework, WCF, Microsoft SQL Compact, Microsoft Enterprise Library 6.0, Infragistics UI Controls, SciChart. Responsibilities: Responsible for software architecture and technical decisions.

Lead developer (gCAT) at Roche

Roche Diagnostics

Project: Development of a software platform, which provides an infrastructure and building blocks to create with less effort, high quality applications. Based on this platform Roche internal utility software for Assay Development, Operate, Instrument Calibration and customer support are created. Team size: 5. Used technologies: PRISM, WPF, C#, Microsoft Entity Framework, WCF, Microsoft SQL Server. Responsibilities: Technical lead developer. Recognitions: Team wins Roche Molecular Diagnostics award (2013) Team effort recognized with Roche internal appraisal (applause) (2014)

Founder Pc-Guardian


“Pc-Guardian is a project created on own initiative” Project: The aim of Pc-Guardian, is to give parents insight of the computer activities of their children and warn the parent in case a child is doing activities or sees content which are potential dangerous. This with as goal, that you as parent can guide your child in a balanced and safer computer usage. Key features: activation registration (web, chat an application usage), content classification (language and content), alert notification, time control. Used technologies: C# 3.5, WCF, Microsoft Synchronization framework,Microsoft Silverlight 3, WPF, Aspx, Windows services, .Net Nuke. Recognitions: Pc-Guardian has been evaluated and rated as “Excelent” by Softonic.

Lead developer & architect at Antay Mobile Solutio

Antay Mobile Solutions

“Antay Mobile Solution creates mobiles solutions for companies dedicated to sales and technical services.” Project: Mobile application Development of a mobile application for Microsoft based mobile devices (PDA). The mobile application implements all needed features for companies whom core business is retail sales or technical service. Key features: high reusability, high software configuration level (business logics and user interface), and integration with ERP/SAP. Project: Backoffice Development of a back-office for companies with as core business: technical maintenance. Key features: planning and tracking of service orders, synchronization of order state and reporting. Team size: 3 Used technologies: C# (Compact Framework), PInvoke, WCF, Microsoft Database Replication, CAB for mobile platform, XAF, XPO. Responsibilities: Technical lead and architect.

Software developer


“Freelander is a small company which creates tailor made software.” Project: Development of various business administration solutions. Team size: 4 Used technologies: C#, XAF, Microsoft SQL Server, NUnit, NHibernate. Responsibilities: Estimate, implement and test application(s).

Software engineer

Océ Technologies

“OCÉ provides dedicated solutions for companies whose core business is printing. These range from short-run production of books and manuals to targeted 1-to-1 mailings and other new document services. Advanced digital technologies also offer profitable growth for reprographers, job printers and copy shops. Key industry segments include: • Graphic Arts Industry • Marketing Services • Digital Print Providers • Digital Newspaper Production” Project: Service Maintenance software Web application (ActiveX components) used by service engineers to analyze printers for problems and to (re)calibrate the printer. Project: Communication protocol between printer and Maintenance software Develop a low-level communication protocol to enable communication between printer and maintenance software. Team size: 3 Used technologies: C++, ASP, XML, XSLT Responsibilities: Implement and test application.


HTS Informatica

Hogeschool Zuyd


  • Uitdagingen
  • Creativiteit
  • Samenwerken
  • Technologie
  • Verantwoordelijkheid


  • Creatief
  • Communicatief sterk
  • Oplossingsgericht
  • Klant gericht
  • Doorzetter



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