

Branche Bouw
Vakgebied Architectuur
Locatie Delft, Zuid-Holland, NL
Tarief € 45 per uur
Profiel weergaven 874


Working student (part-time)


Primarily assisted in the design and production of tender projects within the tender team of cepezed. Next to that I was also working on some general office tasks, such as project specific presentations.

Student Architectural Intern


Within the Corgan New York office inside the Empire State Building I worked in the aviation studio and contributed largely to producing construction drawings for the new Delta terminal at LaGuardia Airport. Furthermore I also worked on projects in other airports around New York such as interior detail drawings for Duty Free Shops and lounge areas.

Student of Architecture

PTW Architects

During the 6 months I worked in the PTW office in the Central Bussiness District of Sydney I contributed to the design of multiple area development plans in the form of feasibility studies in several neighborhoods around Sydney. I also worked on construction drawings for a residential project and ended the internship with a design competition win.


MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

TU Delft

Msc. Building Technology

TU Delft

Bachelor Bouwkunde

TU Delft

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