

Vakgebied IT
Locatie Baarn, Utrecht, NL
Tarief € 90 per uur
Profiel weergaven 1497
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"Associate: Project- / Interim Manager ICT"


"Associate: Project- / Interim Manager ICT"


Allignment of Change Management proces for SAP (with generic CMP) for Getronics

"Project Manager inrichting infrastructuur Nieuwbo

"Het Baarnsch Lyceum"

Inrichting (Complete) IT infrastructuur voor de nieuwbouw. (Mobiele) werkplekken, servers en netwerk. Uitvoering (europese) aanbesteding en implementatie.

"IT Manager"

"Laurens Simonse Groep"

Combined fucntion of IT-Manager and Programme Manager, responsible for all IT-projects. (Database migration, infrastructure migration, Introduction of the ZEND framewrok etc.)

"Project- / Interim Manager ICT"

"POC adviesburo"

Landelijk actief als Project Manager / Interim Manager. Regionaal actief in Levering, Onderhoud, Reparatie en Advies op IT-Infra: Inrichting, beheer en ad hoc trouble shooting.

"Programm Manager"

"Rabobank Nederland"

Improvement programme for backoffice applications. a.o. replacement of bespoke application by SAP-SRM implementation.

"IT Architect"

"Perot Systems Nederland"

Consult and design ESM (Enterprise Systems Management) solutions.


"ICL Data"


"POC Adviesburo"

Project Management, Levering, Onderhoud, Reparatie en Advies op IT-Infra: inrichting, beheer en ad hoc Trouble-shooting.

"Sales Representative"

"Ericsson Information Systems BV"

Sales and consultancy on IT-infra implementation.

"Account Manager"

"Data General"

Sales on DG-MV mini computer systems.


Telecommunications Technique

Chr. HTS Hilversum

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