

Vakgebied Development
Locatie Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, NL
Tarief € 80 per uur
Profiel weergaven 873

From a young age on I already loved writing macro's, script's and little programs to automate just about anything under the sun. Combining this with my passion of gaming, I soon became a game developer. After some exciting projects, I decided I wanted to get more in-depth knowledge of programming and the quirks it brings. Originally seeking this in web development, but soon after in software engineering.

During my several years of experience I have worked on projects with teams of various sizes, and companies ranging from startup's to government instances, but also run a fair share of projects in the medical and financial sector.

  • Beschrijving opdracht
  • Communicatie
  • Voorwaarden van betaling
  • Professionaliteit
  • Kwaliteit
  • Communicatie
  • Termijn
  • Professionaliteit
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