

Vakgebied web development, data visualisatie, analytics
Locatie Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, NL
Tarief € 65 per uur
Profiel weergaven 2261


Frontend developer


Insights Director


After take-over of Synovate by Ipsos, I continued to work on providing insights to users by designing engaging online reports and visualizations with clear focus on relevant information. In this period I designed online reporting solutions for lot of clients using KPI’s from different research types like Loyalty, Advertising and Branding. I am strong advocate to combine research and other information into more holistic reporting approach. Among the clients in this period I can mention Heineken, Canon, Vodafone, Vitens, Unilever and AstraZeneca. For one client, we designed infographic about the customer complaints which was shared within the organization to align all parties about problems. Infographic is designed in Photoshop, which I learned from one of my colleagues in the team and using additional online trainings on you tube. Most important part of each reporting is defining its purpose. The purpose depends on user information needs. Defining clear purpose and specific user need

Insights Director


As head of data visualization/online reporting in the Netherlands, I work together with internal team and our customers on creating engaging online reporting with clear focus on only relevant information in order to battle complex, user unfriendly tools and "information overload". In this period we selected the team and conducted first trainings. Shortly after we started producing first online dashboards and “what if..” models. At that time we used SAP Xcelsius as software and at the beginning we were supported by UK team. Our first dashboard was designed for Orangina-Schweppes and combined brand tracker KPI’s with Nielsen volumes and turnover estimates. Next was Asics European Brand Tracker Study that required easy to understand report and the possibility to share information among all brand managers in Europe. I designed this demo page to show our work and emphasize the importance of defining the clear reporting goals upfront. Only clear requirements can be fulfilled in th

Associate Research Director


I was leading team of 5 researches and consulting on logistically complex customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys using traditional survey methods CATI/CAWI (40 languages, daily sample deliveries) or using new research methodologies like IVR and smartphone surveying. Our company works with SMART goals. Each team member was assigned 4-5 goals in line with overall company goals. At the start of the year the goal-setting talks are held to set goals for each team member. Next, mid-year review is held to monitor the progress of each team member. This is also a moment to fine-tune the goals if the situation is changed due to external influences. At the end of the year team member receives final rating, based on the team leader advice and approved by higher management layers. ViewsCast product offered standard online reporting tool to clients. As team leader I performed numerous trainings for users at the kick-off of the survey project. ViewsCast surveys are quite short continuously co

Sr. Research Manager

Interview NSS

I was managing large scale international customer satisfaction surveys. The surveys where fielded in EMEA region, usually with large number of survey languages (up to 40 languages) and with demanding logistics. During this period the research itself was changing from long telephone surveys to shorter online surveys. Multi-channel and mixed survey modes emerged. From the beginning I had many different interests. I conducted numerous statistical analyses for my clients after receiving internal training in statistics and SPSS. I had above average interested in statics and SPSS software during my study and I volunteered for additional internal trainings. I was able to program the questionnaires in two research systems. At that time data collection software had limited functionality in the area of sampling, mailing and efficient data extraction. When needed I was developing VB applications to improve production efficiency. By developing additional modules internally we gained signifi




HEAO - CE (Marketing)



  • React, web components, stencil.js
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • D3
  • Node.js
  • Highcharts


  • Video editing
  • Lightworks
  • AngularJS
  • Nodejs
  • React



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