
Jan Willem

Vakgebied ICT
Locatie Putten, Gelderland, NL
Tarief € 90 per uur
Profiel weergaven 621

Started as Scientific Software Engineer and working now as Global Project Manager fulfilling
many roles in between like Analyst, Designer, Builder, Deliverer, Consultant and finally
Project Manager.
In the beginning worked for different Central Dutch Governments and joined the Software Industry as
Software Engineer and ending up as a Consultant for Standard Software training and implementations.
In the years following I played many leading roles for projects in Multi-National companies in The
Netherlands, France, Germany, North America and United Kingdom.
Studied Information Technology and Scientific Mathematics at the University as a start and a long list of
educations, trainings and classes followed for any skill that was required for the job at hand.
Working now over 14 years as Project Manager with Engineers, Consultants and external IT Partners for
Multi Continent companies using the Waterfall, Agile or Output Based methodology.

  • Beschrijving opdracht
  • Communicatie
  • Voorwaarden van betaling
  • Professionaliteit
  • Kwaliteit
  • Communicatie
  • Termijn
  • Professionaliteit
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