

Vakgebied Software Engineer
Locatie Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, NL
Profiel weergaven 1099


Co-Founder & CTO


● Poplo Platform consists of: ➔ Poplo Marketplace (http://poplo.nl) ➔ PoploConnect Business Management System ( ​http://poploconnect.nl ​) ● Backend API – ​C#, ASP.NET WebAPI, Entity Framework, OWIN, NoSQL (DynamoDB) ✓ OAuth 2.0 with bearer token based authentication. ✓ Registering, booking, messaging, inquiring, offering, responding, payments etc. Every functionality of Poplo platform goes through API. ● Infrastructure – ​AWS Amazon Web Services, MariaDB / MySql, DynamoDB (NoSQL) ● PoploConnect Web Application – ​Angular 2, TypeScript, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SASS3 (.scss) ✓ Management system for service providers to manage their business, clients and appointments. ✓ Clients, Appointments, Calendar, Messaging, etc

Software Engineer

Philips Healthcare, BEST

Project: HES Ambient Experience Technologies: – ​C#, WPF, MVC, Scaled SCRUM, Kanban, Jira, Jenkins, TFS, Git, SVN, Powershell, RESTful APIs, NoSQL (CouchDB) Highlights: ​ ✓ Reintroduced ​unit testing into development by revising test structure in order to prevent brittle tests. ​ ✓ Restructured ​source control repositories to improve managability and versioning, led migration from SVN to GIT.

Consultant / Employeneur

TMC Software B.V.

Worked for Philips Healthcare and ASML as external projects. Details in respective items. ● Internal Project: Atlassian Plug-In Development Team (04.2015) Position: SCRUM Master, Developer Technologies: ​ – SCRUM ​, Java, Atlassian Tools (Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Stash), Git

Software Engineer

ASML, Veldhoven

Project: AP SW Yieldstar Technologies: - C#, Matlab, WCF, WPF, IBM ClearCase & ClearQuest, SpecFlow, White Framework, Scrum Tasks: ✓ Implemented YieldStar functionalities which are developed by R&D teams. Highlights: ✓ Cross-teams effort which led to a group-wide (6 teams, 45+ developers) decision to migrate from IBM ClearCase & ClearQuest to Atlassian Jira & Stash. ✓ Volunteered and led a cross-teams Build Server health improvement project. ​ ✓ Led a cross-team “task force” to improve and standardize WoW (Way of Working) in order to improve efficiency and quality of delivered software.


SCRUM Developer Training

BT Akademi (Turkey)


SCRUM Developer

BT Akademi



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