

Vakgebied WordPress
Locatie Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, NL
Tarief € 80 per uur
Profiel weergaven 420

Website: ThikaTravel

A beautiful high-end portal for a unique travel organisation about dreams that may come true About this project Thika is one of the most special travel brands in The Netherlands. When you are looking for your dream holiday to special places, they are the company to turn to. The time was there for Thika to create the new responsive portal. They put together a team of online specialists with the same dedication as when putting together their impressive travel packages. Up2 was selected as technology partner. Our role Together with Thika we built a joint Scrum team with the Thika product owner, UX and SEO specialists and the Up2 development team. The team had a lot of freedom with the mission to create a product worthy to the Thika brand. The result An beautiful portal with amazing design and high-end images, that really make you dream about very special places in the world. Information Website: www.thikatravel.com Client: Thika Travel

Buma Stemra

Website: Buma Stemra

Buma/Stemra is de auteursrechtenorganisatie van muziekauteurs en muziekuitgevers in Nederland en vertegenwoordigt de belangen van haar leden wereldwijd. Sinds 2010 werken we aan het ontwerp, de ontwikkeling en het beheer van de Buma Stemra websites. Onlangs is een geheel vernieuwde versie van de site opgeleverd.

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