

Locatie Mol, Antwerpen, BE
Beschikbaarheid 38 uur per week
Tarief € 55 per uur
Profiel weergaven 1340


Software Engineer


Working in different platforms and different companies through Splendit IT consultants as a Software developer mainly using Python, Django, PHP, Laravel, and Java.

Software Engineer


Working in different platforms and different companies through Splendit IT consultants as a Software developer mainly using Python, Django, PHP, Laravel, and Java.

Full Stack Software Engineer


Working in different platforms as a Full Stack developer mainly using Python, Django, PHP, Laravel and Java with Spring in small projects.

Full Stack Software Engineer


Worked in different platforms as a Full Stack Software developer and mainly used Python, PHP, and Angular. Most clients are from Germany.

Senior Web Engineer

Via Futura

Worked using PHP, CodeIgniter, and Laravel, in own project called Halito (Event Management System). Converted the old CodeIgniter 2 to Laravel's latest version using PHP, Laravel, Twist, React, JavaScripts, NodeJS, jQuery, and API.

Senior Software Engineer

Hobbytex NV

Started as a senior Software developer and developed a company software and website at the same time supported the client's project. Mostly we have to integrate using API to hobbytex's application and client system. We have mainly used Python, Django, React, API for our own project and integrated them into different platforms such python, PHP, c++, etc...

Medior Software Engineer and Technician

Combell NV

Started as a Server Technician (Windows and CentOS) for a while due to the economic crisis and later became a medior web developer for Combell's (own) website and software project. The most used are Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS, API, and NodeJS.

Medior Software Engineer and Tester (Part-time)

Ago Interim

Developed small software projects from scratch using Python, Django, PHP, CodeIgniter, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and API for different clients according to the project requirements. I have also worked on the server-side to install and configure the project. There was also a part in testing the mobile application developed by other developers.

Medior Software Engineer


Backend code refactoring and improving code quality using Python with Django. Redesign of the site using HTML, CSS, and jQuery according to the Mockups prepared by designers. Technical support and bug fixing for the existing website project.

Junior Software Engineer

Lyca Mobile

Started my career at Lycamobile as a junior software developer, completed several web projects, and gained tons of experience under the supervision of senior web developers. The most used programming languages are Python with "Django" and web project using PHP with "CodeIgniter".


Odoo Expert


React Native


Flutter Masterclass


Angular - The Complete Guide


Python Programming Masterclass - Expert


Java Enterprise Course


Full-time course Java Enterprise including framework Spring and Hibernate.

PHP with Laravel - Become a Master in Laravel


Computer Science and Engineering bachelor

Veltech engineering college

Computer Science and Engineering bachelor degree.


  • Java
  • PHP
  • Frameworks
  • API & SQL


  • Django, Flask, Odoo, FastAPI
  • Spring, Google Web Toolkit, Hibernate, Struts
  • Laravel, CodeIgniter, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla
  • React, VueJS, Angular, JavaScripts, NodeJS, jQuery, HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap
  • SOAP, RPC, REST, API & SQl , MySQl, PostgreSQL



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