

Vakgebied commercieel en algemeen management
Locatie Ninove, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Beschikbaarheid 20 uur per week
Profiel weergaven 36


Docent Retail en ondernemerschap

Erasmushogeschool Brussel

Lecturer: strategy, consumer psychology, visual merchandising, category management. Coaching Student Business ProjectsLecturer: strategy, consumer psychology, visual merchandising, category management. Coaching Student Business Projects Vaardigheden: Marktanalyse · Training en ontwikkeling · Lesgeven in Engels als tweede taal · Talentmanagement · Merchandising · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Academisch onderwijs · Verkoopmanagement · Mensen aansturen · Sociale vaardigheden · Lesgeven

Managing partner

Bizzon group NV /Intriguing brands NV

Sales & marketing management, productontwikkeling, key account management. Algemeen management. Vaardigheden: Marktanalyse · Strategische partnerschappen · Budgetteren en forecasten · Consultancy · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Mensen aansturen · Ondernemerschap · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening. · Accountmanagement · Verantwoordingsplicht · Supply Chain-optimalisering · Sociale media · Verkoop en marketing · Operations management · Adverteren · Merchandising · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Klantenbinding · Verkoopproces · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Verkoopmanagement · hitting targets · Tijdmanagement · Directe verkopen · Sociale vaardigheden

Project leader Wolrd Expo Milano 2015

Lighthouse business consulting bv

Event, networking, facility management for Fevia (Federation of Belgian foodproducing companies). Vaardigheden: Verantwoordingsplicht · Evenementmanagement · Operations management · Strategische partnerschappen · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Tijdmanagement · Mensen aansturen · Sociale vaardigheden · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening

Trainer coaching projects / creator new retail concepts

Lighthouse business consulting bv

After 13 years as an employee in several functions and experiences I decided to start my own business. In cooperation with the Marketing agency Wildstream NV, I created several new retail and restaurant concepts for various clients: Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds, Panos, Partena, Coffeeroots, GSK, HoGent, Texaco, EP, Chiquita, E5 Mode, ECI,... The uniqueness was at that time to combine retail and etail next to optimising consumer experience. We created A to Z starting from a consumer study and customer briefing to a finished store or outlet with training for the operating staff and management. Next to this I trained salesteams, customer relation teams and management teams in various companies: ECI, Panos, Atel, Pidpa Antwerpse waterwerken, Eurotuin, this using my former experiences/education and holistic view, spiced with an good EQ and a friendly but resultdriven approach.

Retail manager


Managing a network of retailstores and staff P&L responsible Reorganise and restructure towards a more consumerfriendly format. Vaardigheden: Marktanalyse · Klantbeleving · Verantwoordingsplicht · Sociale media · Verkoop en marketing · Evenementmanagement · Operations management · Teamwork · Productmanagement · Merchandising · Budgetteren en forecasten · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Verkoopproces · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Verkoopmanagement · hitting targets · Tijdmanagement · Mensen aansturen · Sociale vaardigheden · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening



Managing the franchise activity in Belgium means searching and selection of franchisees, looking for interesting real estate to start a new point of sale, coaching the operations, defining the marketingplan and strategy, assuming the general managementtasks and making the activity profitable for the franchisee as well as for the organization.Managing the franchise activity in Belgium means searching and selection of franchisees, looking for interesting real estate to start a new point of sale, coaching the operations, defining the marketingplan and strategy, assuming the general managementtasks and making the activity profitable for the franchisee as well as for the organization. Vaardigheden: Marktanalyse · Klantbeleving · Verantwoordingsplicht · Supply Chain-optimalisering · Business Development · Sociale media · Verkoop en marketing · Evenementmanagement · Operations management · Productmanagement · Strategische partnerschappen · Franchisen · Budgetteren en forecasten · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Verkoopproces · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Verkoopmanagement · hitting targets · Tijdmanagement · Directe verkopen · Mensen aansturen · Sociale vaardigheden · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening

Category Manager


Shell has an international Retail organization for its fore-court (fuel and shop) business. I worked within the Belux region which was part of the Benefrux cluster. Category manager at Shell was a function that covered all domains: purchasing, supply chain, category management, marketing and sales. In this function I grew through all categories from food to non-food. In addition I was responsible for the supply chain for a 124 million € turnover and for the building and rebuildings of the shops in the Belux. My main realizations were the working out of intensive collaboration with the category captains such as Coca Cola, Kraft, Unilever, Pepsico, BAT, Carrefour.... Turning the mindsetting from these companies from desinterest to vast investments, through extensive networking and testing and measuring. An adapted supplychain to the shopsvolumes and range (dry, chilled, frozen) which was new for the sector. New layout of the shops based on customerresearch and testing.Shell has an international Retail organization for its fore-court (fuel and shop) business. I worked within the Belux region which was part of the Benefrux cluster. Category manager at Shell was a function that covered all domains: purchasing, supply chain, category management, marketing and sales. In this function I grew through all categories from food to non-food. In addition I was responsible for the supply chain for a 124 million € turnover and for the building and rebuildings of the shops in the Belux. My main realizations were the working out of intensive collaboration with the category captains such as Coca Cola, Kraft, Unilever, Pepsico, BAT, Carrefour.... Turning the mindsetting from these companies from desinterest to vast investments, through extensive networking and testing and measuring. An adapted supplychain to the shopsvolumes and range (dry, chilled, frozen) which was new for the sector. New layout of the shops based on customerresearch and testing. Vaardigheden: Marktanalyse · Klantbeleving · Verantwoordingsplicht · Supply Chain-optimalisering · Projectmanagement · Verkoop en marketing · Operations management · Productmanagement · Talentmanagement · Merchandising · Strategische partnerschappen · Franchisen · Budgetteren en forecasten · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Verkoopproces · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · Verkoopmanagement · hitting targets · Tijdmanagement · Directe verkopen · Mensen aansturen · Marktplanning · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening

Product manager

Wagons-Lits CCCC

Product management at Eurostar, Cross Channel Catering Company for First class and Standard class (buffet bar). Main tasks: product sourcing&development, marketing (plans and realisation), pricing, supply chain organization and purchasing in Paris, London, Brussels.Product management at Eurostar, Cross Channel Catering Company for First class and Standard class (buffet bar). Main tasks: product sourcing&development, marketing (plans and realisation), pricing, supply chain organization and purchasing in Paris, London, Brussels. Vaardigheden: Klantbeleving · Productmanagement · Strategische partnerschappen · Budgetteren en forecasten · Belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren · Interpersoonlijke communicatie · hitting targets · Tijdmanagement · Mensen aansturen · Beheer winst-en verliesrekening

Warehouse Responsible

Restorail NV

Restorail is taking care of the supply chain of all international highspeed trains in Brussels Belgium. They buy in store and pack food and non food products which are loaded and unloaded on the trains. The company just started when I was recruted for my first job. Starting in dispatching of the loadings and production I gradually grew in the function of ware house responsible managing the buying in, storing and delivering out the goods towards the different productionarea's. Introducing IT systems to manage the stocks and drawing up working procedures to facilitate and fine tune the operations were my first merits.Restorail is taking care of the supply chain of all international highspeed trains in Brussels Belgium. They buy in store and pack food and non food products which are loaded and unloaded on the trains. The company just started when I was recruted for my first job. Starting in dispatching of the loadings and production I gradually grew in the function of ware house responsible managing the buying in, storing and delivering out the goods towards the different productionarea's. Introducing IT systems to manage the stocks and drawing up working procedures to facilitate and fine tune the operations were my first merits. Vaardigheden: Logistiekbeheer · Mensen aansturen


Consumer marketing

Vlerick Business School

MBTI (Insights)

Shell training center



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