

Vakgebied Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, A.I.
Locatie Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, NL
Tarief € 135 per uur
Profiel weergaven 2271

Senior Data Scientist who loves to solve complex problems. 20+ years of experience in machine learning and A.I., 10+ years of experience in Deep Learning. Very practical-minded with a firm theoretical background.

Halfway during my 2 decades of having a scientific career, all the way to being called professor, I started to solve business-related data challenges. I find business-related problems more interesting. Nowadays I work with a full-stack team. We know how to work with data and how to build complete (web-based) applications. We have built for SMEs and for large companies.

I have worked on dozens of projects, typically not only building A.I. but complete A.I. architectures. If you have complex data-related questions, feel free to give me a call for an initial consult.

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  • Professionaliteit
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  • Communicatie
  • Termijn
  • Professionaliteit
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