

Branche Website en Apps
Vakgebied Photography, Art Director, Web Design
Locatie Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, NL
Profiel weergaven 1632

Hello! I am an American photographer, specializing in portraiture and reportage. I studied *********** in Amsterdam and have worked for several years in NYC. During my time in NYC, I have assisted famous photographers and worked with famous bands and celebrities. Now I am back in NL and looking for nice projects here. I have also worked as an Art Director for an online media company, and I enjoy building websites. I love using wordpress so if you need any help setting up a new website or help updating your wordpress site, then I am happy to help! If you have a small business, and you need both a website and ***********, then we can work out a package deal! I have copywriting experience in my native English, en ik kan ook Nederlands lezen! :)

  • Beschrijving opdracht
  • Communicatie
  • Voorwaarden van betaling
  • Professionaliteit
  • Kwaliteit
  • Communicatie
  • Termijn
  • Professionaliteit
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